Detoxification – Pros and Cons
Detoxification – Pros and Cons

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Detoxification – Pros and Cons
For many people, spring is an excellent season to begin with detoxification of the body. Even though nutritionists and doctors argue about its pros and cons, many of us do not question the benefits of detoxification. After winter, we usually feel sluggish, heavy and sleepy. Advocates of detoxification explain these feelings as typical during the winter months because our energy became stagnant. Namely, our body stores fat reserves, we become more passive and spend a lot of time indoors. This lifestyle, together with various pollutants that come from air, water, and stressful environment, makes us feel tired and drowsy during the early spring. For all of these reasons, our body can benefit from detox diet. However, nutritionists warn us to choose our detox regime wisely. Frequently, instead of benefits we face negative effects that weaken our bodies. Instead of feeling good and healthy, we encounter awful feelings. Sometimes, we can feel irritated and nervous because of the detox process itself. According to detox enthusiasts, it is the normal phase after that we can feel much better, and our level of energy will jump significantly. Nevertheless, health experts advise us to do a lot of research before we choose particular detox regime and consult our nutritionist. To find out more about detoxification and its pros and cons, the article “The Truth About Detox Diets” offers us the following list.
Detoxification – Pros and Cons
The Pros:
• Improved function of your kidneys and liver
• Increased energy and vitality
• Arousing the mind and spirit
• Quick jump-start to a weight-loss program
• Improved ability to fight off various diseases
The Cons:
• A sudden increase in fiber-heavy fruit and vegetables can lead to bloating, gas, and possibly diarrhea.
• People with a tendency to addiction may experience a “high” from detoxing that may lead to dangerous eating disorders.
• Detox diets do not result in long-term weight loss.
Despite the fact that there is no scientific proof of the benefits of detoxification, many people claim positive effects of the process. They feel lighter, better and more optimistic. They feel more energetic and their mind soberer and clearer than before the treatment. Many of them even lose weight. According to experts, our body has natural ability to detoxify itself, and many traditional practices have a long history of occasional detoxification, especially in spring and autumn. In summary, the detox diet cannot harm ourselves if carefully taken. If we keep the protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are necessary for our optimal functioning, we can expect only benefits. And if we accompany our detoxification process with some stress relieving technique, there is no doubt that it will help us feel better and healthier than before.