Advances in Treatment of Enlarged Prostate Glands | El Camino Health
>> BPH is an acronym forBenign Prostatic Hyperplasiaand it’s a very common conditionthat affects virtuallyall men as they get older. It’s an enlargementof the prostate glandthat is not associatedwith cancer, but associatedwith significanturinary symptomsand bother as men get older. In the area of pharmaceuticalinterventions we’ve startedto treat men primarily withmedications and then we doubleup their medications andadd a second medicationuntil they fail thesemedicationsand most men ultimatelywill fail these medicationsand then requiresurgical intervention. So, traditional surgeryfor prostate enlargementis primarilywith transurethralresection of prostateor what we call the TURP ora lot of guys refer to itas the roto-rooter surgery. This typically requiresa general anesthesia. There is a risk ofbleeding, risk of infection,and patients would have tostay in the hospital for manyor for one to three nightswith a Foley catheterand continues bladderirrigation. With the new GreenLightprocedure we’re ableto do the same– have thesame effective outcome,send these patients home thesame day and have a catheterfor only a short 24-hour period. This is truly the most minimallyinvasive form of surgery. There are no cuts that we needto use or make for the surgery. A small laser fiber isinserted through the cystoscopeand a high power laser is ableto actually vaporizethe redundantor overgrown prostate tissuewithout creating anykind of bleeding. We brought the GreenLightLaser to El Camino Hospitalin November of 2010 shortlyafter it was released. So, as part of theMen’s Health Program,we thought it wasessential as a leading centerfor men’s health needsthat we employ the latestand best technology andoffer this to our patients. We have been chosen as oneof the four procedure trainingsites for other physiciansfor the GreenLight Lasertechnology for three reasons. One is because of ourvery good outcomesof using the laser technology,our high volume of surgeriesthat we perform as asingle institution,and our early adoptionof this technology. As the Medical Director ofthe Men’s Health Programand as a physician in ElCamino Hospital I’m very proudto offer this new technology tomy patients to be able to stayon the cutting edgeof technology herein Silicon Valley and tooffer my patients the latestand greatest in terms oftherapy for their BPH. The changes thatpatients experienceafter GreenLight therapysurgery is significantly greaterthan when they aretaking medications. In fact, the best data showsthat objectively patients willhave a minimal improvementin their flow rateor residual urineon maximal medication therapy,whereas after theGreenLight Laser procedure,men will have significantlyhigher improvementsin their flow ratesand significantlylower residual urinesthan if they weretaking medications. At El Camino Hospital thislaser is on standby 24/7in our Operating Room andour physicians are ableto use this technologyon last minute noticeand in emergent caseswhen necessary.