Becoming a Chiropractor in Canada
Becoming a Chiropractor in Canada

Image courtesy of rajcreationzs at
While becoming a chiropractor in Canada is not a simple matter, the course of study and hands on training embarked upon by those willing to eagerly learn the ropes shows that this is a labor of love that many see as a life calling rather than simply a profession chosen to supply needed financial support for their lives. It is noteworthy that in Canada a chiropractor is generally thought of as a specialist who has deepened her or his medical studies in neuro-musculoskeletal medicine. Probably the premier institution for aspiring chiropractors is the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières in Quebec.
Becoming a Chiropractor in Canada
It is interesting to note that in addition to chiropractics, the schools insist on training their students to be well rounded and thus an education in dentistry, optometry and general medicine is part and parcel of this training course. Thus, students will be seen with book on anatomy and neuroscience while others will be studying for their exams in biochemistry and embryology. Additionally, before even being considered for enrollment, three years of university study must have been successfully completed before a student will qualify to be considered for admission to the program. Once the student is enrolled, she or he will have to engage in about four years of study – longer if the student wishes to go part time in some semesters – and also a one year internship.
During the training period, Canadian students will not only learn the theory behind the successes of chiropractic care, but they will also have an opportunity to learn first hand how to arrive at a diagnosis, render treatment, and document the finding as well as the treatments. This is done under the watchful eye of a highly qualified teacher, of course, yet the goal is to give the student a lot of freedom so as to explore chiropractics in the broadest sense possible. It is the goal of the institutions of higher learning to not simply hone a student’s skills with respect to spinal manipulations but to instead turn out medical professionals who will understand the relationships that exist between mind and body, external influences and the body, as well as the impact that the body can have on itself.
As you can see, there is a lot more to becoming a chiropractor in Canada than simply taking a quick course and then advertising in the local newspaper. There is much study and education involved, and it is only the dedicated student who will be able to not only undertake this course of study but to also see it through to the end. What once began as a simple exploration of methods for alternative healing has now transcended into a certified course of study that not only yields a lot of results on the medical front, but also attracts high quality students from around the globe. Canada prides itself on its educational programs for aspiring chiropractors, and it is not surprising that so many of them will flock to the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières or any one of the other institutes that currently offer a program for a doctor of chiropractic.