Becoming a Vegetarian
Becoming a Vegetarian

Image courtesy of hin255 at
Becoming a vegetarian can be a difficult process. There are many lifestyle changes that you will need to make in order to become a vegetarian, and it is not going to be an easy journey. Industrialized culture is fixated with the consumption of meat, so many people find it very difficult to resist the temptations of their former diets, regardless of their willpower. To that end, we’ve crafted this article in order to help you to learn exactly what types of actions you can take in order to make sure that you will be able to stick to your vegetarian diet for years to come.
Becoming a Vegetarian
- Since meat is so pervasive in modern day society, a lot of people find it easier to ease into becoming a vegetarian. One common path that many individuals have successfully become vegetarian by performing is to gradually decrease meat consumption based on the meat type. First, the individual would stop eating red meat, one of the most common and tempting meats in society today. Next, white meat would be removed from the diet, leaving only seafood as an allowed meat food. After white meat has been successfully removed from the diet, the person would then stop eating seafood, becoming a complete vegetarian. In doing so, you can leave yourself some comfort meat foods while experimenting with meat substitutes and seeing which of them suits your fancy. By cutting meat out of the diet in such a regimented and orderly way, many people find that they are able to stay a vegetarian much longer than those who go cold turkey.
- Another thing that you may want to consider when becoming a vegetarian is a type of meat replication food. One good example is known as Quorn; it is a type of manufactured mycoprotein that grows via a fermentation process, much like a mushroom. It is known for its ‘meaty’ bite, and is therefore considered a great substitute for meat in many meals. It is very versatile; it tends to absorb the flavor of whatever it is in, so you could make chicken noodle soup and add some Quorn and it would taste much like chicken. Another great thing about Quorn is the fact that it is high in protein and low in fat, making it the ideal product for a vegetarian who is looking to keep their protein intake high while avoiding eating meat of any type.
- You may want to try to limit yourself to certain aisles in the grocery store in order to keep you from being too tempted to make an impulse meat purchase. Be sure to give some of the meat substitutes a chance – they can help you to curb any temptations that you might have to break the vegetarian diet. There has been much advancement in the meat substitute foods and now you’ll have plenty of vegetarian-friendly items at your local supermarket.
Be sure that you know what you’re getting into when you become a vegetarian. It can take a whole lot of courage and self-discipline to completely become a vegetarian, and the more that you know about the vegetarian lifestyle, the more prepared you will be if you decide to take the plunge.