Busting myths about COVID-19 and nutrition with Prof Janice Thompson
you might have come across claims thatparticular nutritional supplement oreven a given food could prevent COVID19or even treat it well is that myth or isthere some fact behind those claimsI’m Janice Thompson I’m a professor ofpublic health nutrition and exercise inthe school of Sport exercise andrehabilitation Sciences at theUniversity of Birmingham and I’m heretoday to talk a little bit about some ofthose claims and some information aboutnutrition and how it might link in withnot just COVID19 but our immune systemin general and whether there is anyevidence behind some of these claimsthat a particular supplement or foodcould be used to prevent entry COVID19there’s a lot we do know about theimmune system and that’s really what wehave to think about here is our immunesystem is that system that allows us tofight any invader so infection whetherit’s a virus whether it’s bacteria anysort of foreign invader into our systemour immune system kicks into action wellthe ways to optimize our nutritionexcuse me are our immune systemdefinitely nutrition is one of the keycomponents we can eat lots of differentfoods to help support our immune systemand another important action is to bephysically active today I’m just goingto focus on the nutrition piece so isthere again special foods maybesupplements a particular nutrient weneed to focus on actually the immunesystem benefits from a number ofdifferent nutrients that we can find ina wide range of foods vitamins A D E Cvitamin C all of those are importantvitamins that we can get in a wide rangeof foods including plant sources andanimal sources Vitamin C forinstance is only available in plantsources as is Vitamin E but there’s awide range of foods fruits vegetablesvegetable oils whole whole grains inaddition various types of meat poultryseafood that could include some of thesenutrients and we also have mineralas nutrients so when it comes to ourimmune system minerals that really helpto support our immune system includethings like iron zinc selenium andcopper and again those can be found insome of the very same food sources I’vejust mentioned where these vitamins arepresent probably the trickiest one toget in our diet would be vitamin Dbecause predominantly we produce Vitamin D from sunlight through our skin andas we know if you live in countries inthe more northern latitudes such as theUK it’s very difficult about half theyear to get enough sunlight to produceadequate vitamin D so that leads us intowhat we’ll should we be takingsupplements in almost a particularsupplement or even food well I think asI mentioned these nutrients are reallysprite widespread in a lot of foods andthey don’t have to be expensive foods atall really commonly available foods evenavailable during the lockdown situationwould have these nutrients in them andthere is not any evidence that anyvitamin-mineral supplement whether it’san individual one so separate vitamin Dor separate iron necessarily willprevent or and/or treat COVIDspecifically it’s a little bit ofevidence that does support that vitaminC supplements or zinc lozengescould help reduce the severity of a colda common cold reduce the length of acommon cold but the virus that causesCOVID19 is a very different virus fromviruses that cost the common coldso again there’s no evidence that rightnow that those particular supplementswould be beneficial for COVID19 I thinkthe main message is that what we reallywant to do is do everything we can tosupport our immune system as much aspossible through eating a wide range offoods now supplements may be needed forsome people they may have certainconditions where supplements would beadvised but to go out and justindividually take whatever supplementsyou think would be right can bedangerous for some people whoparticular medications there could benegative interactions with medicationshowever some people might benefit sothis is where individuals might want totalk with their health care provider tofind out is there a supplement I shouldbe taking and if so what are the amountsbut a general multivitamin and mineralsupplement usually is formulated in manycases to the government standard amountthat we could be taking and that wouldbe safe so I hope that information ishelpful there’s a lot more detail in theblog about specific nutrients andexactly what they do with our immunesystem but they predominantly help ourimmune system create the cells that areneeded to fight infectionthey help clear out old cells that needto be removed they also support othersystems around those particular cellsthey help cells talk to each other sothere’s a wide range of things thatthese nutrients can do and hopefullymost of us should be able to accessthings affordable foods that we canconsume that really benefit our immunesystem so anyway thank you very much for your time and I hope this was helpfulyour time and I hope this was helpful