Category: Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that develops when the body does not make enough insulin, or cannot use the insulin it makes. A gland in the body, called the pancreas, makes insulin. The food we eat breaks down into glucose and is transported by the bloodstream. Insulin moves the glucose from the bloodstream into body cells. Glucose (also called blood sugar) provides the cells with the energy to do their jobs.


Diabetes and the body | Diabetes UK

In this film we’re going to explain how your body processes the food you eat in order to provide all your body cells with the energy they need, and also what happens when you...


New Diabetes Type 2 Pill Launched

New Diabetes Type 2 Pill Launched A new diabetes type 2 pill launched today to help control blood sugar levels. In type 2 diabetes the body does not produce enough insulin for the body...


Diabetes Is On The Rise

Diabetes is on the rise according to a study from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This is not surprising since most people in the West continue to be overweight, lack exercise...

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Diabetes Type 1 & 2

DIABETES TYPE I Type I diabetes is a disease that develops when the body does not make enough insulin. The food we eat breaks down into glucose and is transported by the bloodstream. Insulin,...


Gestational Diabetes Diet Plan

Gestational Diabetes Diet Plan Keeping to a gestational diabetes diet plan is very important if you have been diagnosed with diabetes during pregnancy. It is vital to your own health as well as the...


How To Test For Diabetes

How To Test For Diabetes Knowing how to test for diabetes can put your mind at rest if you are worried about your blood sugar levels. A basic test can be done at home,...


Introduction – Diabetes

WHAT IS DIABETES? Diabetes is a disease that develops when the body does not make enough insulin, or cannot use the insulin it makes. A gland in the body, called the pancreas, makes insulin....
