Category: Reflexology


Reflexology as a Career

Reflexology as a Career Many people choose to learn reflexology in order to benefit their health in many different ways. Some people choose to become a reflexologist in order to assist others with the...


Reflexology and pregnancy

Reflexology and pregnancy There are many natural approaches to combating one of the most common pregnancy complaints, morning sickness.  Most people have heard of the age-old ginger remedy for upset stomachs and intestinal gas. ...


Reflexology and the Importance of Touch

Reflexology and the Importance of Touch Reflexology is in essence, touch therapy, and that is one of the reasons it is so effective in the healing process. Thanks to technology, the human touch has...


Treating the Elderly with Reflexology

Treating the Elderly with Reflexology Americans spend more than one billion dollars every year on nonprescription medicines, and a vast majority of them are the elderly.  And not only are they expensive, the medications...


Reflexology and Multiple Sclerosis

Reflexology and Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis is a progressive, degenerative disorder of the central nervous system, including the brain, the optic nerve, and the spinal cord.  It affects people mainly over the age of...


Tools that can help reflexology

Tools that can help reflexology Reflexology is a powerful form of alternative treatment that is becoming increasingly popular in industrialized societies. Reflexology principles have been in place for centuries, and only recently are western...


Reflexology Whats it all about Anyway?

Reflexology Whats it all about Anyway? Reflexology is when nerves are stimulated on three different body parts: the feet, hands and sometimes the ears. The stimulation is done by applying pressure and by massage....


Reasons why some people choose reflexology

Reasons why some people choose reflexology When it comes to receiving medical treatment, more and more people are turning away from western medicine in order to reap benefits from alternative forms of therapy. Reflexology...


All about reflexology associations

All about reflexology associations When it comes to getting a career as a reflexologist, everybody accepts that one of the most important steps that you can take is to get certified by the American...


Questions regarding reflexology

How to Go through the Middle Age Shift and What to Expect Reflexology is a type of alternative, complementary medicine that many people have heard of but few really understand. In this article, we’ll...


All about reflexology certification

All about reflexology certification More and more, the world is in need of qualified reflexologists in order to help individuals to feel better without having to pay a visit to a doctor. To that...


Questions about reflexology

Questions about reflexology Reflexology is a type of alternative medicine that more and more people are learning to use to benefit their health in the United States and across the world. It is a...


History of Reflexology

History of Reflexology Reflexology is a type of alternative therapy that has been used for centuries. As opposed to many types of conventional medical treatment, a reflexologist focuses on massaging parts of the feet...
