Category: Skin Care


Causes of Itchy Scalp and Dandruff

Causes of Itchy Scalp and Dandruff Itchy scalp can appear as a result of various factors. In many cases, dandruff is responsible for itchy scalp. However, what we see as dandruff in commercials is...


How to Prevent Ingrown Hair

How to Prevent Ingrown Hair Ingrown hair can rarely represent a big issue, but it can be annoying, boring and irritable, especially if frequently appears. It causes redness and little bumps on the skin...


What Triggers Eczema in Men?

What Triggers Eczema in Men? Skin is the largest organ in our bodies that protects our inner organs from our immediate environment and constant fluctuation in the outer world. According to medical experts, skin...


Summer Tips for Men

Summer Tips for Men It does not matter whether we are on vacation, an outing, or just spend some time in outdoor activities – our skin needs to be protected. Not only that the...


Is Shaving Cream Good for Your Skin?

Is Shaving Cream Good for Your Skin? We live in a fast-paced society, overwhelmed with so many daily tasks that leave us hardly enough time to reflect on our choices and actions. It is...
