Category: Vegetarianism

There are many reasons that an individual may want to become a vegetarian. Some feel that the cruelty to animals that meat eating promotes is significant enough of a reason for them to cut meat from their diet. Others do it for the benefit of the environment, as raising livestock is costly to our farmland and resources. Without a doubt, one of the most significant things that a vegetarian diet can do for you is the positive effect that it will have on your health, particularly in the area of weight and cholesterol control.


All about Quorn

All about Quorn When it comes to adopting a vegetarian lifestyle, many people feel that they wouldn’t be able to due to their love of meat. While there are some meat alternatives available for...


Different types of vegetarianism

Different types of vegetarianism The vegetarian lifestyle is appealing to many different people; it is more environmentally friendly than a meat-eating diet, it can be better for your health and it helps to encourage...


More facts about vegetarianism

More facts about vegetarianism Many people choose to make the lifestyle choice of switching to a vegetarian diet in order to benefit their health and the state of the environment, but most mainstream people...


Teenagers and the Vegetarian Choice

Teenagers and the Vegetarian Choice The teen years are filled with many changes and challenges. This is a popular time for choosing to be vegetarian. Teenagers are becoming aware of their body’s and of...


The Elderly and Vegetarianism

The Elderly and Vegetarianism Vegetarian eating can be filled with great decisions for every age. The options available to vegetarian eaters are nearly limitless, until the limits approach meat and some animal products. The...


Things for vegetarians to know

Things for vegetarians to know The vegetarian diet can be tough to adapt to, but the numerous positive effects the diet has on your body and the environment can be well worth your efforts....


Tips for becoming a vegetarian

Tips for becoming a vegetarian Becoming a vegetarian can be a difficult process. We are surrounded with meat-based items at restaurants which can be very tempting, and it can be tough to give up...


Tips for the vegetarian lifestyle

Tips for the vegetarian lifestyle When you decide that you are going to become a vegetarian, there are many changes that you will have to make in your diet and your life. The adjustment...


Vegetarian foods that help the body

Vegetarian foods that help the body It’s no secret that the vegetarian diet can be a much more healthy option than a meat-eating diet. In America, heart disease is the number one killer, and...


Vegetarian Frequently Asked Questions

Vegetarian Frequently Asked Questions Becoming a vegetarian can be difficult if you don’t inform yourself of many of the facets surrounding the diet and the lifestyle of the vegetarian. In this article, we’ll answer...


Vegetarian on the Grill

Vegetarian on the Grill There’s nothing that makes summer feel more like summer than the smell of charcoal and grilling meat in the air. Just breathe deeply and take in the smell of –...
