Foods That Lower Blood Pressure
Foods That Lower Blood Pressure
If you would like to know about foods that lower blood pressure then this video is for you. High blood pressure is very dangerous and increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and diabetes. The arteries that carry the blood away from the heart determine your blood pressure. If your arteries harden, are blocked or narrow then your heart pushes harder your blood pressure increases.
There are medicines and foods that can help to increase the elasticity of your arteries and ensure that they do not narrow. When you eat these foods then you can naturally help your health improve and lower your blood pressure without needing to use medications. You can watch the entire video in only five minutes so all of the instructions are simple and easy to remember.
You can watch the video about the 5 foods that will lower you blood pressure by simply clicking the link.
Two foods that lower blood pressure and not mentioned in the above video are celery and beetroot. Celery and beetroot have been found to have significant effects in lowering blood pressure. Juice a couple of stalks and mix with apple and/or carrot juice and or beet juice. Or juice raw beetroot and mix with apple. Try to drink 2 to 3 small glasses a day. Jst do a google search for more information on celery and beetroot.
That was a great presentation and everything was really simple and easy to remember. Now that you have spent five minutes getting the information about how to lower blood pressure it is time to implement as many of these things as you can. None of these five great tips costs a lot of money and doing as many of them as possible will improve your health and keep your heart in better condition for a longer and happier life. Remember there are foods that lower blood pressure and you don’t have to be reliant on drugs.