How Forgiveness Can Improve Our Health
How Forgiveness Can Improve Our Health

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at
Our body and mind cooperate and are inseparable parts of our wholeness. Many types of research point out at forgiveness as essential part of our health. It is responsible for our healthy emotions, fulfilling relationships, and ability to enjoy our lives. Without forgiveness, all of these would be impossible. However, to understand what forgiveness is, we should first find out what it is not. According to psychologists, forgiving and forgetting are not the same. We often forget when someone did something wrong to us, but that does not mean that we have forgiven. Forgetting rather means that we avoid feeling all the rage, anger, pain, and sadness. In this way, we suppress our feelings, deny the harm, and retain bitterness. To really forgive, we should go through all these phases, reflect on our emotions, acknowledge the wrong that has been done, and let go. Another common trap to really forgive is replacing the terms – forgiveness and condoning. In order to forgive, we do not have to minimize the harm or excuse the person who did it. What we really need is to understand what has been done, let go of negative emotions, and decide to take certain steps and protect ourselves. To find out how forgiveness can improve our health, the article “How Forgiveness Benefits Your Health: Forgiving Wrongdoers Can Expand Physical Fitness” lists its benefits.
How Forgiveness Can Improve Our Health
Letting go of grudges and bitterness can make way for happiness, health and peace. Forgiveness can lead to:
Healthier relationships
Greater spiritual and psychological well-being
Less anxiety, stress and hostility
Lower blood pressure
Fewer symptoms of depression
Stronger immune system
Improved heart health
Higher self-esteem
As we have seen, forgiveness is a key element that can improve our happiness level, our mood, and our health. But, the first step to forgiving is understood that the primary goal of forgiveness is essential to help ourselves. Even though by forgiving we help the person who caused us suffer, we will experience much more benefit for ourselves, too. Namely, negative emotions such as bitterness, resentment, and distrust, can cause us more harm than the initial act has done to us. Bitterness and resentment are strong negative emotions that can toxify our body and make us suffer even on a bodily level. If we want to live fulfilling lives, without forgiveness, it is almost impossible.