Health and Safety Protocols 2020 (updated)

– While the COVID-19 pandemichas fundamentally changedthe learning environmentat Del Mar College,our number one prioritycontinues to be the healthand safety of our students,employees and guests. Everyone entering our campuses is requiredto follow strict protocols designedto prevent the spread of COVID-19. Del Mar College adheresto guidelines establishedby the Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention,as well as directivesissued by the federal,state and local governments. Here’s what we’re asking ofthose who visit our facilities. Prior to coming tocampus, everyone is askedto take personalaccountability for their healthand the health of othersby conducting a dailyself-symptom assessment. Anyone showing symptoms of the virus,who has tested positive,or has had close contactwith someone who has COVID-19should not come to campus. Once on campus, everyone mustpractice social distancing. The CDC reports thatlimiting face-to-face contactwith others is the best wayto reduce the spread of COVID-19. This means keeping aspace of at least six feetbetween yourself and other people,or about two arms’ length. We also ask that you limitusing elevators, walkwaysand hallways as much as possible,and be sure to use markedentrances and exits. Secondly, wearing a face coveringis required on our campuses. This can be a face maskor a cloth covering. According to the CDC, cloth face coveringscan slow the spread of COVID-19and prevent people who mayhave the virus and not know itfrom transmitting it to others. If you don’t have your own face covering,we will provide one. Prevention hygiene isour third major protocol. We ask that everyone washtheir hands frequentlyand use alcohol-based sanitizerwhen soap and water are not available. Avoid touching your face, eyes or nose,and please cover your mouthwhen coughing or sneezing. Finally, it’s importantto limit gatheringsand meetings while on campus. Meeting remotely should be a first option. If that’s not possible, limitthe number of participantsin face-to-face meetings,practice social distancingand provide a remote optionfor those who can’t attend. These health and safety protocolscan be modified at any timedepending on changing conditions. Although access to ourcampuses is restricted,our physical facility staffare regularly cleaningand disinfecting classrooms, offices,restrooms, hallways and all touch points. Del Mar College will continueto take all necessary precautionsas long as there is a riskof COVID-19 spread in our community. For more information on ourhealth and safety protocols,visit us on the web at www. delmar. edu/rtc.

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