How to Get Unstuck and out of a Rut?

How to Get Unstuck and out of a Rut?

Image courtesy of Sira Anamwong at

Image courtesy of Sira Anamwong at

Many times we find ourselves stuck in a rut and lack joy and passion in our daily activities. To avoid uncomfortable feelings that go hand in hand with being stuck, we try to push ourselves and make a change. Often, we are not quite certain about a change, but we will do anything to get unstuck. We try to manipulate things on a surface. We try harder and harder to make an external change. However, experts advise us before we make a change to think once again. Namely, they believe there is a possibility that we perceive our current circumstances for a certain point of view. Usually, it is only our perception that needs to change. Sometimes, things become slower or do not go in a direction we meant to. For that reason, when we feel stuck, we actually feel that our life does not go where we intend to. Then, resistance appears and we are unable to see where our life is going. Instead of letting life happen, we try to control and manipulate. We can benefit more if we let things go in their own direction. To find out more about how to get unstuck and out of a rut, the article “3 Powerful Ways to Get Moving When You Feel Stuck in Life” offers us an interesting suggestion.

How to Get Unstuck and out of a Rut?

Walk through a graveyard.
It seems creepy. It isn’t. A cemetery has a fantastic way of reminding you to live your life. Fear of whatever choices you have ahead, or any paralysis of action you may be experiencing, will melt in the presence of beautifully landscaped permanent resting places.

Imagine young you.
Young you was trepidatious about a few things—occasions you wouldn’t hesitate to rise to now. So, too, would older you appreciate you finding the courage to drop the worries that are holding you both back today.

Imagine the worst that can happen.
Got a scary thing you want to do? Think of the worst that could happen, and weigh it against how much you’d regret not trying. Or if you’re not sure what to do at all, weigh the consequences of trying something versus doing nothing.
Do something. Embrace the fact that you’re living. Failure, success—both are part of a full life. Living with complacency isn’t living at all.

Instead, to feel stressed because things are not as we have expected, we may let go and see what will happen. Sometimes, we will be surprised in a positive way. Life has its own wisdom and we rarely control things. When we accept that life has its own rhythm like seasonal changes, we will be able to go with the flow. Until we hesitate to accept uncomfortable feelings of being stuck we will add more pressure. Often, the solution is simple – accept what it is and let go. Pushing too hard will only make things work. It never helps us get unstuck and out of a rut. A change appears when we let go of our need to control things and relax.

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