Immune System | Boost Immune System | How To Improve Immune System
In this week’s video we’re looking athow you can maintain a healthy immune systemwe’ve had so many messages somany comments to do a video on thistopic in light of the whole Covid-19 situationfirst of all I am seeing so many advertisements right now an Instagram onFacebook all over the internet really ofcompanies trying to promote the sale oftheir supplements claiming things thatthey boost your immune system and loadsmore I just want to confirm to you thatthese supplements who are claiming toboost your immune system are warping thetruth there is no evidence supportingthis and there is also no evidencesupporting the use of any supplementssuch as vitamin C zinc or anythingreally to protect you or prevent youfrom getting Covid-19 non whatsoeverand to be quite honest with you I reallythink that these companies who try tomake money out of the current situationwell they should really be ashamed ofthemselves now let’s get back to myusual chilled self it just really upsetsme to see these false claims out thereand I don’t want you or anyone really tofall for these false claims andpotentially harm yourself so pleaseremember that most people can get all ofthe vitamins and minerals that theyrequire through a healthy balanced dietvitamin D supplementation however isrecommended in the UK during autumn andwinter time and this is recommended bythe Department of Health also there area small number of individuals who willrequire supplementation but theirhealthcare professional would have letthem know to do this now that we’re donewith vitamins I’m going to tell youeverything you need to do to maintain ahealthy immune system so what we waitingfor let’s begin so tip number one theeasiest thing that you can do to helpmaintain a healthy immune system isgetting enough sleep because when wedon’t get enough sleep we produce lesscytokines and cytokines are a type ofprotein which target infection andinflammation effectively creating animmune response so if you’re an adultplease aim for seven to eight hoursconsistently every single night now ifyou’re 16 or under you will require moresleep and I will break this down for youin the description below tip number twoyou need to be doing regular moderateintensity exercise so what does thatmean it means 150 minutes of moderateintensity exercise every single week andI know it can be a bit tricky right nowbecause gyms are closed sports clubs are closed and the guidance is for you tostay at home as much as you canto protect yourself to protect otherswhich is great but it can make doing theexercise a bit more difficult but pleaseremember this does not mean stopexercising because there’s loads ofexercises that you can do at home andthese moderate intensity exercises aregoing to help maintain a healthy immunesystem and if you’re stuck for ideas I didmake a video a few weeks ago with apersonal trainer a friend of mine allabout exercises that you can do at hometo help you lose weight it was from astudy done in Oxford so if you’re free ifyou’ve got time check it out I leave alink to it up here tip number threeeating a healthy balanced diet and Iknow as healthcare professionals we talkabout healthy balanced diets all thetime well it’s actually really importantin helping you maintain a healthy immunesystem and I know we all think we have ahealthy balanced dietwe just think to yourself what are youeating it might also be useful keeping alog and looking at what you’re eatingso the main thing that you need to lookout for is are you eating lots ofprocessed foods like biscuits cakesburgers sausages ready meals all whichare high in saturated fats high in saltshigh in sugars all which we know arenotoriously bad for you or are youeating lots of unprocessed foods likevegetables fruits whole grainsunprocessed fish so the best way to kindof think of it is are you eating moreunprocessed food or processed foods themore unprocessed the food is that you’reeating the more healthy and balancedyour diet is going to be tip number fourit’s all about stress and there’sactually quite a lot of research outthere that high levels of stress canactually dampen your immune system sowhat you need to try and do is stressless so I guess it’s more important thanever right now to stay in touch withfamily stay in touch with friends eitherby a telephone via FaceTime by emailwhatever works for you obviously youcan’t really see them physically face toface because of all the socialdistancing that’s going on right now butfind a way to speak to people and talkabout what’s worrying you talk aboutwhat you’ve done in the day and talkabout what you’re going to do all ofthese are going to help reduce yourstress levels and if you know someonewho’s on their own contact them see howthey’re doing give them a ringFaceTime them whateverwhatever works for you tip number fivepracticing good hygiene this is ourfirst line of defence to keep germs at bay so it’s super important that youfollow good personal hygiene habits sowhat can you do well firstly you need towash your hands often with soap or waterfor a minimum of twenty seconds now ifyou don’t have soap or water availableto you you can use alcohol handsanitiser instead but please remember alot of the times I see people using alcoholhand sanitizer incorrectly squirt a loadin their hand and they just go like thisthey’re not covering all the differentareas they should be doing so there is areally useful link that I’m going toleave in the description below it showsyou exactly how to use hand sanitiserproperly there’s also an NHS video whichshows you how to wash your handsproperly I will leave them both in thedescription below for you and I’dhighly recommend everyone watches it andalso please remember that if you do cutyourself please wash the areastraightaway and cover it with a bandagenow if you do have a wound that’shealing or any spots please don’t pickat the wound or pick any spots becausethis is all going to allow germs to getin which is our physical barrier we’vehad a lot of questions comments andmessages about this so I hope that helpsand if you do have to cough or sneezeplease cover your mouth and noseimmediately with either a flexed elbowor preferably a tissue once you’re donewith that tissue please throw it in thebin straight away do not put it back inyour pocket to use later I have seenpeople do that you know who you aretip number six it can be a bit of adifficult one but if you do want tomaintain a healthy immune system theevidence is there that you need to quitsmoking that is if you do smoke howeveralso if you drink alcohol make sure youdrink the recommended amount of alcoholdo not exceed this because if you doexceed it it’s going to hurt your immunesystem now for all the six tips in thisvideo I will of course leave moreinformation on them in the descriptionbelow I’ll also leave some links to somereally useful articles and I’d highlyrecommend everyone checks them out thesereally are unprecedented times right nowand I know that a lot of you will besocial distancing so I just want to saythank you for doing thatyou’re protecting yourself you’reprotecting others and helping the healthsystem so thank you but I alsounderstand that social distancing canmake your mood quite low it can be quiteboring it can be quite frustrating Iunderstand all that and in times likethese it can be very easy to fall intoan unhealthy pattern of behavior whichcan lower your mood and dampen yourimmune system so it’s really important that youstay both mentally and physically activeso please try your best to maintain ahealthy lifestyle as we’ve discussed inthis video including a balanced dietplenty of fluids sleep exercise and mostimportantly social contact if you livewith someone in the same house that’sgreat but also people that you don’tlive with or if you’re on your ownplease maintain social contact eithervia telephone by email by FaceTime vialetters whatever works for you I reallyhope you find the information in thisvideo useful and please remember do notfall for these adverts that we’re seeingon Instagram and all over the internetabout supplements boosting your immunesystem and loads more you now know thefacts and instead try to make thesesimple lifestyle changes that we’vediscussed in this video to help maintaina healthy immune system always rememberthat you’re awesome and I will see you nextweek hey guys thanks for watching thisweek’s videomake sure to click that like follow orsubscribe button now to stay up to datewith new weekly videos