What Should You Know About Chrono Diet?
What Should You Know About Chrono Diet?

Image courtesy of rakratchada torsap at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Advocates of the Chrono diet claim that this method can help maintain an ideal weight, lose weight and prevent various diseases, like high blood pressure, diabetes 2, etc. They give priority to what we eat when we eat, what quantities and how to combine different types of food. According to Chrono experts, our body has its own rhythm, known as circadian rhythm. It affects our metabolic processes, our sleeping patterns, digestion, etc. For that reason, our body has its own time when secrets hormones that are crucial for digestion and food absorption. They explain that we usually gain weight and develop disbalance in our body when we eat the wrong foods, in the wrong combination, in wrong quantities and at a wrong time. The whole problem can be solved by simply reverse the way we usually eat. Chrono diet helps us understand why it is so important to hold on to schedule and food combinations. Many people mistake Chrono diet with a various protein diet. Even though Chrono diet encourages usage of red meat and pork in our diet, it greatly differs from protein diets. The main goal of Chrono diet is to maintain an alkaline environment in our body. It is crucial for our good health because acidification paves the way for many serious illnesses like cancer and heart diseases. They recommend three main meals during the day and 4 to 6 hours between them. They consider breakfast as the main meal. Fats and proteins are highly recommended. Therefore, cheese, eggs, bacon, butter, sausages, and ham are a perfect start for day, according to them. This is because our body has the greatest capacity to digest and absorb such kind of foods early in the morning. To find out more, the article “Chrono Diet – Tips and Nutrition” explains further what we should know about Chrono diet.
What Should You Know About Chrono Diet?
Breakfast should be plentiful with decent intake of fats, proteins and slow sugars. This means that you should eat cheese, butter, food containing starch (bread) and lots of proteins (eggs or cured meat). The body needs fuel to successfully begin a day so don’t worry about calories, because they will be spent soon enough.
Lunch is here to recharge our batteries. According to chrono diet, you should choose a meal that is rich in animal protein. It should contain less fat than breakfast, but should also provide small amounts of sugar and vegetable protein. Lunch should not be overwhelming, main goal here is not to feel hungry until the next meal. One important rule here is do not mix proteins and carbohydrates – pick only one!
Snack (a single snack!) is here to help us get through the day until dinner arrives. Main purpose of it is to prevent overeating late at night! We can have some fruit or dried fruit + some black chocolate (min. 70% cocoa). It would be ideal to eat your snack between 4 and 6 pm (standard time) and 5 to 7 pm during DST.
Dinner should contain food such as fish, lean meat and some vegetables. We should avoid sugar, fat and starch by all means!
Snacking between the meals is strictly prohibited!Some of the foodstuffs that are prohibited are: cow’s milk, margarine, vegetable cheese, vegetable fats, vegetable cream, pastries and high fat yogurt.
Chrono diet can be a good way to align with our body. Taking care of body’s rhythm and body’s needs can help us listen what our body like or dislike. In this way, we will be less prone to diseases, because each disease is only a result of disbalance in our body or our soul.