Natural Remedies for Sinusitis
Natural Remedies for Sinusitis

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Medical experts recognize two types of sinusitis: acute and chronic sinusitis. Usually, acute sinusitis lasts up to one month, while chronic sinusitis lasts longer or has recurrent phases. Even though they recommend using the medicine for acute sinusitis, especially if the cause is bacteria, they suggest natural remedies to prevent acute sinusitis from turning into a chronic one. Sinusitis or inflammation of nasal tissue usually occurs as a result of viral or bacterial infection. If left neglected it can turn out into its chronic form, which is harder to treat and heal. The symptoms for the both forms of sinusitis are the same: a headache, nasal stuffiness, cough, nasal blockage, and nasal discharge. To prevent acute sinusitis from developing into a chronic one, they suggest wearing a woolen hat during winter months, especially when the outer temperature significantly decreases. They also highly recommend strengthening the immunity system by introducing a balanced and healthy diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Hydration during winter months is also crucial. They advise us to drink healthy beverages like fresh smoothies, fruit and vegetable juices and tea. Apart from that, hydration of nasal cavities is also essential. There are natural remedies like salt water that can clean the cavities without any side effects. To learn more about natural remedies for sinusitis, the article “Acute and Chronic Sinusitis: Treatments and Home Remedies” gives us the following suggestions:
Natural Remedies for Sinusitis
• Humidify. Start using a humidifier in rooms where you spent a lot of time. Just make sure to follow the instructions for regular cleaning. If you use a
dirty filter, you might be spraying mold into the air.• Breathe in steam vapors. You can either run the shower and sit in the bathroom or breathe deeply. The steam vapors may help reduce congested and swollen
nasal passages.• Apply warm heat. Put a warm, wet towel on your face. It might help relieve some of the pressure.
• Use a nasal saline solution. While they don’t contain medicine, they can help keep your nasal passages moist.
• Flush out your sinuses. Nasal irrigation — with salt water — can clear out mucus (and other debris) and keep your sinuses moist. There are a number of
ways to do it, ranging from bulb syringes and neti pots to pricey irrigation systems. Use distilled, sterile, or previously boiled water to make up the
irrigation solution.
Medical experts also warn us not to use nasal drops longer than five days. If taken longer, the nasal drops can irritate the nasal mucosa, cause draining and nasal bleeding, and even harm mucous membrane of the nose. Therefore, natural remedies can be a good substitute. Experts also recommend treatment with infrared lights that can significantly reduce problems caused by chronic sinusitis. Another option is inhalation with etheric oils. Each of these remedies can alleviate the symptoms. However, to heal chronic sinusitis thoroughly and completely, homeopathy can be the best choice, even though there is not clear scientific proof that it can heal us from sinusitis. According to Dr. MED. Ruediger Dahlke, each disease has its metaphysical purpose and that is why homeopathy can be a great choice that helps us remove the causes that trigger sinusitis.