Probiotics Benefits + Myths | Improve Gut Health | Doctor Mike
– Look down at your arm. They’re on you right now. In fact, they’re everywhere. On your skin, in yourmouth, on your teeth,just crawling, breathing, andfarting all over the place. – Aw, come on!- Relax. I’m just talking about bacteria,and I know reflexively you’re thinking,well, bacteria, that must be a bad thing. Not really. You have more good bacteriathan bad bacteria in your body. Our bodies are home to over100 trillion good bacteria,well over 1,000 species, and somewherebetween seven to 9,000strains of these species. Not only are these bacteria good for us,but they’re practicallyessential to our survival. This symbiotic relationship betweenus humans and good bacteria’sknown as mutualism,and it’s basically whenboth parties are benefitingfrom living together or existing together. If you ever seen a rhinowith a little bird sittingon top of its back, it’scalled an oxpecker bird. That bird is eating ticksand parasites off the rhino’s back. So the bird is benefitingbecause it’s getting fed. The rhino’s benefiting ’cause it’s gettingless ticks and parasites on its back. Everybody’s winning. The type of good bacteria I wanna talkabout today livesprimarily within your gut,and you’ve heard the term, probiotic. It’s become a mega industry,into the hundred-billionsof people selling supplements,selling foods that are probiotic-rich. But do we really know whatthe term probiotic means?Probiotics are live microorganisms,basically bacteria and sometimes yeast,that gives some sort ofpositive health benefitto the person taking them. In order for me to bestexplain how probiotics work,we need to understand how the gut works. Now, the job of the gut, and we’re talkingabout the small intestineand large intestine,is to extract energy from foods,absorb certain nutrients, like vitamins,minerals, and really get rid of the waste. When you’re taking probiotics the majorityof the probiotics end up in the endof your intestinal system,also know as the colon. Found within your GI track or your gut issomething known as a microbiome. This is the ecosystem thatcontains bacteria, fungi. Those things are actuallyessential to your survival,because unfortunately yourdigestive system can’t extractall the necessary nutrients fromall the different typesof foods you’re consuming. So when we’re talkingabout the good bacteriawithin your gut, we’re actually talkingabout the bacteria that’s helpingyou get some of thenutrients from your foodto improve your body’s immune function,to support the integrity ofthe wall of your intestines. This is the job of the good bacteria. – I just wanted to saythanks, partner. – Our knowledge and themajority of the research doneon the microbiome is fairly new,with the majority of the studies poppingup in the last 20 years. Within this recent research we foundthat the gut microbiomeis incredibly importantto our health, but we don’ttotally understand it just yet. We’ve seen relationshipsbetween irregularitiesin the microbiome and diseaseslike diabetes, obesity, heart disease,mental conditions likedepression, anxiety. But it’s really acause-and-effect dilemma. Basically the chicken or the egg. We’re not sure what came first,the irregularities of the microbiomeor the illnesses themselves. The gut-mind connection iswhat truly gets me excited. Just imagine this for a second. The bacteria found withinyour gut can be controllingyour emotions, your depressive,anxiety symptoms, yourmoods, your appetite even. That’s what preliminaryresearch is showing. After hearing the links ofall these serious diseasesand the gut-mind connection,you probably wanna keep your microbiomeas healthy and diverse as possible. So how do we do that?Well, first of all, youwanna focus on your diet. No surprise here. Focus on eating vegetables,whole grains, legumes. These are fiber-rich foods. Fiber-rich foods arebasically known as prebiotics,as they serve as food for the probiotics. Next you wanna consumeprobiotic-rich foodslike yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi. These foods naturallycontain that good bacteriawe’ve been talking about. I know some people resort totaking probiotic supplements,but I’ll touch on that shortly. Now, there have been ways thatyou can actually hurt your microbiome. First and foremost is a dietrich in refined carbohydrates. I’m talking about whitebreads, white pasta,white rice, sugars, evenartificial sweeteners. Next up is bad sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep,I’ve talked about theconsequences of that in the past,but it also hurts your microbiome. ‘Cause guess what. The bacteria in your gutalso have a circadian rhythm. They like for you to get quality sleep. Next is antibiotics. When you use antibiotics inappropriatelyor you overuse them, you actually killoff that good bacteria in your gutand you can create anovergrowth of harmful bacteria. Last, but not least, is stress. Yep, those folks who are more stressed outand experience chronicstress for an extended periodof time have a disruptionof their microbiome,both with higher amounts of bad bacteriaand lower amounts of good bacteria. – Stopgettingworked upoversmall things. – Now, probiotic supplements. Multi-billion dollar industry. Marketers are quick to make health claimsabout the benefits oftaking their supplements,but in reality the pictureis so much more complex. Like I said earlier, there’s sevento 9,000 different strainsof good bacteria inside your gut. Increasing the number ofa specific strain can havedifferent impacts dependingon which condition you have. Probiotics in general areconsidered a safe supplement,but there are harms and they do exist,especially if you havea weakened immune systemor you have certain illnesses like cancer. There’s been a recent study that cameout of Israel showingthat taking probiotics canactually harm your microbiome,depending on which probiotic you take. My recommendation when it comesto probiotic supplements isthat the average healthy person shouldnot be taking a daily probiotic. It hasn’t been provento give enough benefitto warrant the risks, andespecially spending moneyon a supplement that may not giveyou any benefit whatsoever. Now, the conditions whereI have seen evidenceto prove that there exists a benefit isin traveler’s diarrhea,antibiotic-associated diarrhea,very specific conditions knownas necrotizing enterocolitisin young children, last but not least,those who have inflammatory bowel diseaselike ulcerative colitis. Notice that these arevery specific instanceswhere I reach for probioticsas a possible treatment option. For those of you consideringstarting to take a probiotic,first and foremost,please have a conversationwith your doctor or health professionalon whether or not you shouldbe actually doing this. Next I want you to notskip proven treatmentsfor your condition and insteadgo for unproven treatments. Make sure you pay attention to the label. There are a few things to look out for. One, the expiration dateand storage instructions. Second, look at the CFUs. That’s the colony-forming units. Look for a number biggeror at five billion. And finally look to getenteric-coated probioticsbecause those are lesslikely to get destroyedby the acid in your stomach. The future of probioticsand even probiotic supplementsis very interesting. The potential for unlocking somany new health secrets is really immense. I’m excited about it. You should be excited about it. That’s why I’m gonna belinking some further readingdown below in the description. Please dive in and check out the articlesthat I’m recommending. Jump into my comments section. If you have any questionsabout anything I’ve said here,if you have any comments or some storiesyou’d like for me toshare, write it down belowbecause I’m interestedin what you have to say. And as always, stay happy and healthy. Think about those red-billedoxpeckers . So when we’re talkingabout the good bacteriainside your gut, ew. Do you mind?It’s a probiotic thing. So this is actually,maybe you have goodbacteria in your mouth. How much bigger is he than me?It’s pretty crazy, no?