Risks and Benefits of Blood Donation
Risks and Benefits of Blood Donation

Image courtesy of Sira Anamwong at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Medical experts do not consider blood donation poses an extra risk. Each blood donor gets a new sterile set of new sterilized equipment, which makes blood donation completely safe. There are a few temporary minor side effects that appear after blood donation. Sometimes, donors can feel dizzy, lightheaded, or nausea. These symptoms usually disappear after the first day. After 72 hours, blood plasma is restored. On the other hand, blood donation has many positive effects on our health. According to studies, it influences in a positive way our heart health and acts beneficially on blood vessels. Namely, the density of blood is an important factor when it comes to the health of our cardiovascular system. Blood that contains too much iron becomes sticky and dense resembling molasses. The iron oxidizes thus running oxidation processes in our blood vessels. Moreover, oxidation processes lead to inflammation and harm the walls of arteries. When we donate blood, our blood becomes more viscous. And viscosity of blood is the main factor in heart attack and stroke. The more viscous is the blood, the lower is the risk of heart attack or stroke. According to one Finish study, people who donate blood lower their risk of the both issues for almost 90 percent. To find out more about the risks and benefits of blood donation, the article “13 Super Health Benefits of Blood Donation Regularly” lists the following.
Risks and Benefits of Blood Donation
1. Reduce riks of Heart Attacks
2. Prevent Liver Damage
3. Stimulate Corpuscle
4. Reducing the Risk of Hemochromatosis
5. Reduce the risk of heart disease
6. Lower risk of cancer
7. Lowering cholesterol
8. Accelerate the wound healing process
9. Maintain weight
10. Prevent Premature Aging
Medical experts believe that blood donation has one more extra benefit. Namely, it is the voluntary act that helps other people. According to researches, each voluntary act, we made for others, makes us happy and can prolong our life. For that reason, people who donate blood on a regular basis live approximately four years longer. Experts also suggest that we should remind ourselves that with each pint of blood we actually rescue three lives. And that knowledge adds value to our life and contributes to our level of happiness.