Selecting a Remedy for Hemorrhoids
Selecting a Remedy for Hemorrhoids

Image courtesy of renjith krishnan at
Hemorrhoids should not be a cause of embarrassment as there are several hemorrhoids remedy methods available now and are of various types:
Soft and easy bowel movements – Don’t strain your bowel because it is one of the best curative and preventive measures for hemorrhoids remedy.
Diet and food habits- Eat only food which helps to ease digestion and smooth stool passage. Take more natural fluids (plain water), fruits and vegetables rather than processed food like bread, soda, etc.
Home treatments – These consist of applying ice on the area, and the use of Sitz bath. The herbal remedies like the horse chest nut extract, etc. are some of the home treatment methods.
Creams- Another common hemorrhoid remedy that helps to alleviate irritated hemorrhoid tissues are hemorrhoids creams. These creams give immediate and temporary relief from the painful burning, itching and discomfort of hemorrhoids.
Internal and External Hemorrhoids
Treatment for External Hemorrhoids remedy:
The hemorrhoids may be removed by surgery or through other methods in extreme cases. There are three surgical procedures to remove external hemorrhoids and these are:
a) Laser coagulation- An electric probe is used to clot the hemorrhoid and making it shrink.
b) Infrared photocoagulation- The hemorrhoid is clotted with infrared light to shrink it.
c) Hemorrhoidectomy- This involves the complete removal of the hemorrhoid.
Treatment for internal Hemorrhoids remedy:
Rubber Band Ligation – A small rubber band is placed at the base of the internal hemorrhoid. The blood supply to the hemorrhoid is thus cut off, resulting in its shrinking and falling off in about four to seven days.
Injection Sclerotherapy – A chemical solution injected into the mucous membrane near the hemorrhoid results in inflammation and the closure of the veins, causing the hemorrhoid to shrink.
Infrared Photocoagulation – Infrared is directed to clot the dilated veins of the hemorrhoid causing the hemorrhoids to shrink since the blood does not flow anymore through the coagulated blood vessels.
Laser Coagulation – This involves the application of electric current to the hemorrhoids triggering a chemical reaction that shuts down the blood supply in the hemorrhoid and thereby causing the inflamed tissue to shrink.
Hemorrhoidectomy – In this procedure the hemorrhoid groups are surgically removed with a scalpel, cautery device or laser.
When a hemorrhoids remedy is used, what must it result to?
It should be able to relieve the pain and discomfort from hemorrhoids.
Reduce the itching, prevent bleeding, and eliminate the swelling and burning.
It should heal and shrink the hemorrhoid and prevent hemorrhoids from returning.
In case of a surgery solution to the problem caution must be taken to produce the appropriate repair of damaged tissues.