What Are Spiritual Causes of Gastritis?
What Are Spiritual Causes of Gastritis?

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
According to holistic medicine, each disease occurs as a result of our physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being. For each particular disease, there are hidden spiritual causes that need to be resolved. The same appears with gastritis. Apart from its physical reasons such as the presence of Helicobacter pylori in our digestive tract, continuous usage of pain relievers (aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.), alcohol, autoimmune or some other disease, gastritis has spiritual causes that lie hidden. Doctors usually point at stress as the one of the greatest factors that contribute to gastritis. But, there is more than stress behind its appearance. According to Dr. Ruediger Dahlke, stomach receives all the impressions that come from the outer world. Therefore, people who suppress their feelings usually have problems with digestion. One of the main functions of the stomach is the ability to produce acid to digest food. One of the main functions of the stomach is the ability to produce acid to digest food. In his book “The Healing Power of Illness”, Dr. Ruediger explains that often people who have trouble coping with anger have high stomach acid. To find out more about gastritis and its spiritual causes, the article “Anxiety, Solar Plexus and Essential Oil” links stomach area with the solar chakra and describe possible problems that occur when this chakra is out of balance.
What Are Spiritual Causes of Gastritis?
The solar plexus chakra, the energetic vortex of dynamism and willpower (its animal association is the ram), is charged with assisting one in comprehending his or her emotional life, accepting one’s unique place in the life stream, clarifying the dynamics of ego, self-esteem and self-love.
On a psycho-spiritual level, this chakra is deeply involved in the mechanics of: self-sufficiency, self-image, personal power, issues of responsibility, sense of security and safety. Dysfunction of the third chakra manifests, in part, as an inability to fully acquire and adequately sustain personal power.
Only when it is open and balanced can one have a deeply fulfilling emotional life wherein one can be expansive, outgoing, and sociable, have a sense of belonging and fitting in and be able to experience the sweetness of being alive.
As we have seen, we need to learn something in order to heal ourselves. It seems that illness has some message to transmit and helps us become whole again. Therefore, Dr. Ruediger Dahlke suggests to open up to life and accept our emotions, especially anger. To really reach maturity, means learn how to manage our emotions and handle conflicts. People with gastritis usually do not have a lot of self-esteem and could not handle stress and conflict well. They are immature in the emotional sense and do not want to leave childish dependence. Surprisingly, they can look independent, ambitious and even aggressive on the surface. But, beneath that, they need to move on and leave the ideal world behind them.