Top 7 Ways To Boost Your Immune System (ft. Coronavirus)
improvement bill here recently I’ve beenfollowing the news on the newcoronavirus pretty closely and I mightbe paranoid but I feel like at the ratethis is advancing it will soon be an outof control worldwide pandemic withmillions of infectionshopefully I’m wrong and by the time thisvideo is animated and uploaded it isn’tas widespread we’re out of control as Ifeel like it might be but in the casethat I’m right one of the best thingsyou should be doing other than takingpreventative measures is to boost andstrengthen your immune system see unlikebacterial infections which can be foughtagainst using antibiotics if you have aviral infection it’s almost entirely upto your immune system to fight it offeven if you go to the hospital unlessthey’ve managed to create a vaccine ordiscover a cure since the writing ofthis script all they can really do ishelp support you they basically justkeep you alive so that your immunesystem can fight longer so I think it’sextremely important to talk about acouple of things that you should bedoing every single day in order to getyour body battle ready to fight off anyinfection that comes your way so todaywe’re gonna talk about the seven thingsyou need to be doing to boost andstrengthen your immune system quicklittle disclosure I am NOT a licensedhealth professional take all the adviceI am about to give with a grain of saltand ask your family doctor before makingany lifestyle changes other than thatlet’s jump right into it starting off atnumber one we have cold showers a studyconducted in 2015 took over 3,000participants who never took cold showersbefore and had them take 90 second coldshowers daily for just 30 days theresearchers found a whopping 29 percentreduction in sickness absences for thosein the group that stuck to this regimenthat is an incredibly high number butwhat’s happening within your body whenyou take these cold showers why is it soeffective at warding off sickness wellscientists have discovered that when youtake cold showers your body actuallyends up producing more white blood cellsthese are essentially the foot soldiersof the immune system when your body isunder attack by a bacterial or a viralinfection your white blood cells are theones that rush in to eliminate themvader’s and fun facts some of them dothis by literally devouring the enemypretty cool huhthis isn’t the only benefit that comeswith cold showers cold showers have beenshown to promote weight loss increasedwillpower reduce depression improve yourskin and hair promote faster musclerecovery and reduce stress which bringsus to the second thing you should bedoing to strengthen your immune systemwhich is reducing stress in 2004professor Suzanne serger storm of theUniversity of Kentucky reviewed over 300studies on the effect of stress on ourbody and health her meta-analysis foundthat long-term stress leads to asignificant decline in one’s immunity inregards to all aspects this occursbecause when you are under stress yourbody produces a hormone called cortisolnow cortisol isn’t inherently bad it’sactually good for you in the short termbecause it helps your body reduce levelsof inflammation throughout the body butif you are stressed for long periods oftime your body will continue to releasecortisol and you start building up animmunity to it the cortisol startsbecoming less and less effective atdoing its job which eventually causesyou to start suffering from moreinflammation throughout the body nowyou’ve probably heard about inflammationbefore but why is it considered to bebad well inflammation is your body’snatural response to any form of harmfulstimuli whether it’s a physical woundtoxic compounds or even pathogens suchas bacteria or viruses so it’s actuallynot a bad thing in the short term justlike how cortisol isn’t bad in the shortterm but when you suffer frominflammation for long periods of time itstarts to damage your healthy cells andorgans including your brain and heartwhich mean Lusa say is not good if yourbody also has to deal with a viralinfection at the same time which is whyyou need to be reducing your stress andone of the best ways to do this is bymeditating which has been shown time andtime again in numerous studies tosignificantly reduce levels of stressnext up on our list the third thing youshould be doing every single day foryour immune system is making sure thatyou’re getting enough vitamin D vitaminD is actually one of the most importantvitamins when it comes to a properlyworking immune system it’s so importantin fact that almost all white bloodcells have vitamin D receptors on themwhy is that well vitamin D plays a sortof balancing roleyour immune system is a very complex anddelicate system that requires just theright amount of stimulation in order tofunction at its best if there is toomuch stimulation you end up withautoimmune disease where your immunesystem ends up attacking your own bodybut if there is too little stimulationyou become more prone to infection andillnesses and vitamin D is what helpsregulate this balance it’s so importantin fact that a study conducted in 2017by a professor Adrienne Martin knew whojust so happens to specialize inrespiratory infections coronavirus foundthat taking vitamin D supplements reducethe odds of developing respiratoryinfection by a whopping 42 percent inpeople who had low levels of vitamin Dwhich fun fact according to a 2011 study41 percent of Americans have so there isa decent chance that you might actuallybe the fishing when it comes to thisextremely important vitamin but the onlyway to make sure of this is to get yourblood work done which is why I’mpartnering up with a special servicetoday that I’ve personally been using alot called let’s get checkedlet’s get checked the livers discretelab accredited testing kits directly toyour door all you do is collect thelittle sample send it back and in only 2to 5 days you will have your testresults it’s super simple you never haveto go to the doctor’s office you don’thave to take off a day of work or makean appointment the testing can be donecompletely anonymously and the best partis unless you have amazing insurancecoverage it is far cheaper than what itwould cost to get your blood work doneat your local clinic or hospital I’mtalking about like 10 to 20 times moreaffordable I personally recommend takinga look at your vitamin D levels and alsoyour cortisol levels which again isrelated to stress so that you can gainsome insight on how your body iscurrently functioning they also offertesting for things like testosteroneestrogen your thyroid and even iron orewhich all play huge roles and thingslike your energy levels your mood andyour overall health and they even offerfull STD checks and the best part isI’ve actually managed to work out aspecial deal of them you can get 20% offanything in their store all you have todo is go to www. lgc. com/improvementpill and use coupon codePILL20for 20% of anything in their entirestore full disclosure I am an affiliatefor let’s get checked so I will begetting compensated if you decide to tryout their service now back to the topicat hand if you find that you’redeficient in vitamin D the best thing todo is to either get more sunlight or tostart supplementing with vitamin D ifyou live in an area where there isn’tmuch sunlight moving on the fourth thingyou should be doing every day in orderto make sure that your immune system isfunctioning at its best is making surethat you’re getting enough high-qualitysleepnumerous studies have found that whenyou are sleep-deprived your levels oft-cells go down the t-cell is a specialtype of white blood cell that plays amajor role on the frontlines againstbacterial and viral invaders so needlessto say it’s pretty bad to have reducedlevels of t-cells if you are trying tofight off an infection other studieshave found that lack of sleep causes areduced production of antibodies whenpeople are given vaccines now this ispretty important because antibodies areone of the main tools needed to fightoff viral infections I like to think ofthem as special homing missiles when youare infected with a new virus for thefirst time your body will start creatingthese special missiles that are uniquelydesigned to target and destroy thisspecific new virus after fighting offthe infection your body will keep theblueprints to remember how to make thesemissiles so the next time the same viruscomes around you will be able to quicklyproduce the right antibodies andeliminate the enemy before it can makeyou sick this is basically how vaccinesmake you immune against certain virusesby giving you the blueprints ahead oftime the rate of which your body is ableto produce these antibodies after a newinfection will determine how quickly yourecover so if the production rate ofthese antibodies are slowed downsignificantly because of lack of sleepyou will get sick faster stay sicklonger and have much more severesymptoms then if you are getting properamounts of sleep every single day so tryyour best to get a full good night’ssleepwhich can range anywhere from 6 to 10hours depending on person-to-person nextup on our list the fifth thing youshould be doing every single day ismoderate exercise and the key word hereis moderate C a study was conducted in2005 where they took a group of miceinjected all of them with a deadly mouseversion of the flu virus the researchersthen divided the mice into three groupsthe first group was given no task theywere simply allowed to rest in theircages the second group was tasked with amoderate amount of exercise every singleday which amounted to about 30 minutesof running on a treadmill and the finalgroup was given the task of rigorousexercise they were forced to run for twoand a half hours on the treadmillnon-stop every single day and here werethe results 50% of the mice were taskedwith nothing ended up dying only 12% ofthe mice were tasked with moderateexercise died and a whopping 70% of themice who are tasked with rigorousexercise ended up dying what thisexperiment suggests is that exercise isgood for your immune system up to acertain point if you are working out toohard it can actually hinder your immunesystem and this theory seems totranslate to us humans as well studiesthat have looked at ultra marathonrunners found that people have a 2 to 6times higher chance of developing somesort of respiratory infectionimmediately after completing a marathonso the key here is to make sure thatyou’re getting some level of exerciseevery single day nothing too crazy youcan jog a little bit on a treadmill youcan go to the gym and lift some weightsfor like an hour but don’t push yourselfway too hard and do a full-body two-hourworkout routine every single day becausethe research suggests that it willprobably do more harm than goodespecially when it comes to fighting offinfections next up on our list the sixththing you should be doing is improvingthe quality of the air that you breathea study conducted in 2017 and publishedin the Journal of immunology discoveredthat carbon nanoparticles which are abyproduct found in car exhausts and inthe air in big cities can alter andhinder the function of certain importantproteins in our immune system anotherstudy conducted in 2010 took a look atabout 200 kids from California and foundthat kids who are exposed to higherlevels of air pollution has suppressedlevels of regulatory t-cells which are aspecial type of white blood cell thathelps regulate your immune system and ifyou live in an area where there’s a lotof cigarette smoke or if you are asmokeryourself there are numerous numerousstudies that link the exposure tocigarette smoke with a suppressed immunesystem all signs point to the fact thatair pollution is bad for you now forthose of you that don’t smoke you’reprobably wondering well how in the worldcan I improve the air quality where Ilive right it’s not like I can just moveto a less polluted city well if you havethe funds you can invest in an airpurifier and put it in your bedroom andliving room or if you have a tightbudget you could simply purchase someplants for your house a study conductedby NASA found that the peace lily andthe English ivy actually filter out manyof the dangerous compounds found in theair in polluted cities so that is anoption as well and finally the lastthing on our list of ways to boost andstrengthen your immune system is makingsure that you’re well nourished what Imean by this well there’s always beentalk about supplementing with thingslike vitamin C E and a in the form ofmultivitamins to ward off sickness butto be honest studies seem to suggestthat unless you were already deficientin any of these things takingsupplements wouldn’t really do anythingyou could take a multivitamin if youwant but it’s probably better to focuson making sure that you’re eating awell-balanced diet that can provide youwith all of the nutrients and mineralsneeded to maintain a healthy immunesystem this means that you should beeating enough protein enough healthyfats enough leafy green vegetables andfruits every single day but again if youare worried about whether or not you aredeficient in certain vitamins you couldhead on over to www. imtcva. org and b12because well we talked about why vitaminD is super important in regards toregulating your immune system andvitamin b12 actually plays a huge hugerole in white blood cell production soit’s a very important vitamin as wellother than that these are the seventhings you need to be doing to make surethat your immune system is in tip-topshapeso that you’re prepared to ward off anyincoming infections againthey are taking cold showers we’reDoosan your stress getting enoughvitamin D getting enough high-qualitysleepmoderate exercise improving your airquality and making sure that you arewell nourished I hope you stay healthyand stay tuned