Understanding Acne Vulgaris

Understanding Acne Vulgaris

Image courtesy of SweetCrisis at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of SweetCrisis at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

If you don’t know what an acne vulgaris is, it’s just the scientific name for acne. Of course, acne is something even a young teenager knows and has experienced. In fact, 85% of the world population has had acne especially during their youthful days.

Understanding Acne Vulgaris


Teenagers aren’t the only ones who have this problem because even adults do. Adult females, even in their 40s and 50s, still have pimples. That’s because of the hormones that are only found in females. It’s the same hormone that causes the menstrual cycle. Adult males, meanwhile, have acne because of stress at work or home.


Actually, there’s a simple explanation for acne. When our sebaceous glands or pores get clogged, acne is resulted. Our pores naturally secrete oil, but when it combines with the dead skin cells, it gets stuck in our pores. Bacteria can grow there and then cause infection.


A production of too much of the hormone androgen will leave our body to product excess oil. When this gets trapped under our skin together with the bacteria and dead cells, that part of our skin swells. This buildup that is always colored red or pink becomes acne.


Acne can be a pimple, blackhead, or whitehead. I’m sure you’ve heard of all these because they are always the frustration of teenagers and adults alike. But even if this is a worldwide problem, scientists still can’t figure out a single response to the complaints. Each case should be held with a different treatment because of the varying skin types. People also have to use trial and error when they want to solve it their own way. Add to that the slow healing process of our skin if ever the treatment does work.


But look on the bright side. No matter how severe the case is, there’s always a treatment for acne. Don’t wait for the time when it gets very worse before you seek treatment, though. When not treated, a mild case of acne can turn into a severe case in time. The worse the acne, the greater possibility there’s going to be a permanent scar. So as not to go through that, stop the acne while it’s still early.

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