What Triggers Eczema in Men?
What Triggers Eczema in Men?
Skin is the largest organ in our bodies that protects our inner organs from our immediate environment and constant fluctuation in the outer world. According to medical experts, skin condition uncovers the state of our overall health. If we experience low immunity or long-term tiredness, our skin will reflect it – usually by losing its glow, freshness, elasticity, and color. However, if we go through a period of turbulences, such as stress, anxiety, or illness, our skin will show the signs of disease. One of the most frequent skin problems that many men experience is eczema. Although it is considered that there is no known factor that causes eczema, stress and drastic changes in our environment will increase or trigger eczema. Medical experts associate eczema with the genetic factor and explains that the risk of eczema increases when a person have relatives who were prone to allergies, asthma, and eczema, too. In this case, they warn us to pay attention on triggers because they will not cause eczema but certainly can provoke eczema in men. To understand the common triggers for eczema in men, the article “Men Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)” describes them by the group.
What Triggers Eczema in Men?
Allergies: You may experience allergic reactions such as asthma, breathing difficulty, hives, etc. that are enough to justify avoiding allergens regardless of their effects on your eczema. However, it is also important to identify allergens that specifically trigger eczema flare-ups.
Changes in Temperature/Humidity: Maintaining a moderate and stable temperature and humidity all year is helpful. Heat, sweating and flushing (reddening of the face, or blushing) can cause flare-ups in some patients, as can skin that is too dry from exposure to dry heat, wind or air conditioning.
Clothing: Dyes, detergents and rough or synthetic fabrics can be very irritating. Try choosing all-cotton clothing and avoid materials that feel “itchy” such as wool. Wash new clothes before wearing them to remove excess dye. Choose a mild, non-sensitizing, fragrance-free laundry detergent and be sure your clothes are rinsed thoroughly.
Foods: Some atopics react to foods such as milk, eggs, wheat and peanuts. Try to watch for a connection so you know which foods to avoid. Also certain food additives, such as preservatives can trigger a reaction.
Intense Emotion or Stress: In adults, stress, anxiety, depression and other psychological factors can all influence atopic conditions. In particular, they can make the severity and flare-ups of eczema much worse.
Irritants: Irritants can be both physical and chemical. Avoid products containing potentially irritating chemicals.
To prevent eczema, especially if we have dry skin, experts suggest non-allergenic shower gel or handmade soap. They also suggest maintaining moisture in the skin by using a non-aggressive moisturizer that should be applied immediately after a shower. According to them, hot water contributes to the dryness of our skin; thus, they recommend using lukewarm water by showering. Dry skin is full of cracks that can serve as a home for microscopic irritants and it would be better if we can minimize it. In any case, our skin is not only part of our body; it is the part of one complex system that reflects our habits, our lifestyle, and our diet. If our skin becomes sick, it is the right time to ask ourselves about the quality of the lifestyle and diet. It is the very place where every healing begins.